Calvin's Kicks
     In case you didn't know, ESPN has been running a series of documentary's on event in the last 30 years in sports. Quite a few have already run, particularly ones that deal with basketball. I still have yet to catch up on the Reggie Miller and A.I. flicks (now available on iTunes). But I have finally seen the one, that doesn't really deal with basketball; Just the greatest player to play the game
     If you're like me and are just a tad too young to remember the GOAT leaving the game of basketball, after 3 championships no less, too play baseball, this might help. Without any research, I knew in my mind that Jordan sucked, for his one year stint with the Birmingham White Sox. This movie definitely helped me find the truth. Sure, he had rust literally covering his swing, and his batting average was atrocious, but look deeper. He had 30 stolen bases, over 50 RBI's and 7 game winning hits (!). He was slowly developing into the clutch performer we all knew he was. In fact, according to some sources in the film, Jordan could have even made it to the big leagues if he stayed in the sport. But I never knew any of the positives. Everything I knew about his retirement I found from Space Jam!

     I think the movie was a great look into one bizarre year, that turned one small town into a destination, tripled league attendance, and made David Stern pray that the Savior would return. This might not ever happen again. Would Gretzky ever leave for soccer, or Peyton leave for the NBDL? Never. So whether you remember it, need to refresh, or need to expirience it for the first time, take a quick 50 minute on the bus, to remember when Michael Jordan was #45.

Rating: 3.5/5